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Q: Why did Richard I spend so little time in England during his reign?
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Sherwood forest, Nottinghamshire England. During the reign of Richard the Lion-hearted, however as King Richard was always away fight in the crusades or in France it was really King John who was monarch at the time.

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It refers to England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1

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The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was a major victory for England during Elizabeth's reign. Catholic Spain and Protestant England were rivals.

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R for Richard I - The letters are the first of the names of kings of England in the order of their reign.

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It was invented in England during the reign of King Henry VIII

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The Elizabethan era is the history of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603)

During Henry VIII's reign which countries were England's enemies?

France, Spain, and Scotland were enemies of England at some point during King Henry VIII's reign. King Henry VIII reigned for over 30 years.

This British Queen never set foot in England. Who was she?

Richard I, also called Richard the Lion Hearted, was King of England during part of the Crusades. He married his queen, Berengaria, in 1191, while he and his troops were on the island of Cyprus.Then Richard left on a Crusade to the Holy Land. His queen spent the rest of her life in Palestine, Italy, and France, and never once set foot in England!Richard himself rarely saw England. He spent only about six months of his ten-year reign in the nation that he ruled!

Why didn't Spain and England get along during Elizabeth I reign?

i don have a clue bruv