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because Russia would get some of Poland to keep, and russia didnt want a war with Germany, so they signed the German soviet pact

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Q: Why did Russia help Hitler invade other countries?
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Hitler's main way to get ledensraum was to do what?

Invade other countries.

What countries to Hitler invade?

he really invaded Poland Hungary and other neighboring places but he did not invade the USA

Why did Hitler not invade Germany?

Hitler, Austrian by birth, had no reason to invade Germany. About two years after becoming chancellor of Germany, Hitler had a firm choke hold on the entire country, so he then focused on invading other countries.

What areas did Hitler invade or annex prior to September 1939?

Austria and Czechoslovakia and bits of other countries.

Where else did Hitler invade besides Germany?

Hitler also invaded Poland along with many other countries! Hitler didn't invade Germany. The Nazis invaded Poland, France, and the USSR. This is after they annexed Austria and the Sudetenland of then Czechoslovakia.

Why was Switzerland and Sweden left alone by Hitler?

Because, they promised that they would get in hitlers way and that hitler knew if sweden and switzerland could other a little sheild for germany when they are advancing to other countries to invade. Switzerland and Sweden did promise that they would lend germany some resources if germany didnt invade the 2 countries.

How did hitler hinder Germany?

Germany was very strong under Hitler. People had jobs and the economy was good. The only problem was that Hitler kept invading other countries. Hitler hindered Germany because he tried to invade too many countries. He tried to go to war with most of the world.

Why didn't Hitler invade Vatican City for it's gold?

Most probably because, if Hitler or the Nazi's invaded the Vatican city there would be a world wide backlash and retaliation from Roman Catholic Countries and other Christain Countries

Why did adolf Hitler go to war with countries?

Adolf Hitler went to war with other countries mostly because of Religious differences. Also maybe because they were poor and he thought he could take them over.

What does russia export to other countries?

Russia exports to other countries to get food.

What are Russia's three biggest countries?

Russia is a country, there are no other countries in Russia.

What did Hitler do that forced the allies to declare war against Germany?

Hitler lead Germany to invade many other countries in Europe. Since many of the countries in Europe were part of the Allies such as: Britian. Then they bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawiia which caused the U.S. to join the war.