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Q: Why did Washington sign the jay treaty?
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What treaties did George Washington sign?

George Washington signed one treaty while president of the United States. It was the Jay Treaty that resolved some of the remaining issues of the Revolutionary War.

When did George Washington sign jay's treaty?

He signed the Treaty in late August. I'm not sure on the exact date.

What led Washington to support Jay's treaty?

The danger of war with Britain, led Washington to support Jay's Treaty.

What did Washington send john jay to Britain to negotiate for?

Jay's Treaty

Who argued the senate to reject Jay's Treaty?

George Washington

What treaties did George Washington do?

Jay's treaty and the treaty of Greenville etc I really don't know the rest

Who signed the jay treaty?

George Washington for the U.S. and Great Britain

What caused Washington to support jay's treaty?

The danger of war with Britain.

Did George Washington urge the senate to reject jay's treaty?

no he urged them to accept it.

How did john jay make an impact on independence?

He brokered a treaty with England that ensured trade agreements and naval protection known as the Jay Treaty, which George Washington endorsed.

What was George Washington's most important event during their administration?

signing the Jay's treaty

Who was the attorney general under George Washington who opposed jay's treaty?

William Bradford