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polysaccharides and simple sugar

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Q: Why did a solution of saliva and oats test positive with benedict's test and iodine test if the oats alone tested positive only in the iodine test and the saliva alone was negative for both?
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What substance is used to test for starch?

The presence of starch can be tested with the help of Iodine. Similarly Benedict's test solution is also used to detect the presence of starch.

What type of food will give a negative Iodine test and a positive Biuret Solution test?

An iodine test is used to test for the presence of starch (or polysaccharides, specifically amylose or amylopectin). A Biuret solution test is used as an indicator for peptide bonds within proteins. Therefore, if you get a negative iodine test and a positive Biuret test, you would probably be testing a animal food source (beef, chicken, pork). Overall, any food that doesn't have starch present within it would be appropriate to use. Hope this helps!

What indicators are used for each molecule simple sugars starches lipids proteins?

simple sugars- benedicts starches- iodine protein- biuret lipid- brown paper bag test

Iodine and Benedict's solution were both used to test for certain nutrients in a sample of food If both tests were positive for the nutrients the sample must contain?

polysaccharides and simple sugar. Hope that helped :)

Why is methylene blue is an appropriate dye for staining bacterial cells?

It is used in gram staining to differentiate gram negative and gram positive bacteria. After being dyed, the cells are washed with ethanol. Gram positive bacteria will retain the methylene blue due to the amount of peptidoglycan in their cell walls, where gram negative cells will not. Iodine is used as a counter stain, which is up-taken by gram negative cells. After the gram staining procedure is finished, gram positive cells will appear dark purple or blue due to the retained methylene blue. Gram negative cells will appear pink or red due to the iodine counter stain.

Related questions

Why would a negative iodine test for starch indicate a positive result for the enzymatic degradation of starch by amylase?

Perhaps the iodine solution was old and gave a false negative.

What is the indicator for carbohydrates?

Simple(sugar): benedicts solution. Turns bright orange. Complex(starch): iodine turns dark purple/black

What substance is used to test for starch?

The presence of starch can be tested with the help of Iodine. Similarly Benedict's test solution is also used to detect the presence of starch.

What color is gram negative stain and gram positive stain if you forget to apply iodine?

If iodine is not applied, both the gram-positive and gram-negative stains will appear to be gram-negative. The iodine acts as a mordant that helps to fix the crystal violet stain in the gram-positive bacteria, making them appear purple. Without iodine, the crystal violet stain can be easily washed out of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, resulting in a pink or red color.

Is iodine a positive or negative charge?

No, nitrogen is more electronegative than iodine. Electronegativity of nitrogen= 3.04 Electronegativity of Iodine = 2.66

What solution is use to test starch?

Iodine-KI reagent. Add to the substance being tested directly. Result: If positive, Turns Blue/Black If negative, (absence of starch) Solution remains orange/yellow.

What type of food will give a negative Iodine test and a positive Biuret Solution test?

An iodine test is used to test for the presence of starch (or polysaccharides, specifically amylose or amylopectin). A Biuret solution test is used as an indicator for peptide bonds within proteins. Therefore, if you get a negative iodine test and a positive Biuret test, you would probably be testing a animal food source (beef, chicken, pork). Overall, any food that doesn't have starch present within it would be appropriate to use. Hope this helps!

What does lugol's iodine?

it is iodine and potassium iodide solution It's a orange colored solution that consists of Iodine and Potassium Iodide and is used to test a substance for starch. If the color of the solution turns black when put on/in the substance, then the substance is positive for starch.

Would the iodine solution change colour when it is tested on a slice of bread?

No, iodine solution will not change color when tested on a slice of bread. Iodine solution reacts with starch, turning it blue-black. Bread does not contain starch in high enough amounts to produce a noticeable color change.

What is the difference between strong iodine solution and weak iodine solution?

their color

Is iodine solution ionic?

A solution of iodine is covalent.

What is the difference between iodine crystals and iodine solution?

Iodine crystal is solid Iodine. Iodine solution is when Iodine crystals are dissolved in water.