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Q: Why did american support for the war change after the tet offensive?
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After the Tet offensive the mainstream American media began to?

Appeal to american patriotism to support the war effort

American public support for the war in Vietnam began to decline after what event?

The Tet Offensive

After the Tet offensive what did the American media do?


The greatest impact of the Tet Offensive in 1968 was?

waning support for the war in the US

What event caused Johnson to lose support within his party?

the tet offensive

What were the consequences of the tet offensive?

Popular support of the war declined in the United States.

Which three major events were responsible for undermining American public support for the Vietnam War?

The Kent State Incident, The Tet Offensive and The Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions

What battle showed the American public that the war in Vietnam was not being won as easily as it was being portrayed?

1968 TET Offensive

What event convinced the American public that we couldn't win in Vietnam?

Tet offensive

How did the Tet offensive impact American perception of the Vietnam War?

Support for the war in the United States lessened because Americans realized that the Viet Cong were still strong.

What event marks a change in Americas role in the Vietnam war?

the tet offensive

What was the result of the tet offencive?

Taught the American people (public) not to believe what their government was telling them. Example: We're winning! (Then comes the TET offensive).