

Why did lords go on crusades?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why did lords go on crusades?
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What social class in Europe gained power after the crusades?

That would be the Burghers, or the middle class. After the crusades, trade required a money economy to be used throughout Europe, undermining the way the Feudal system worked. Lords had to pay their serfs, and there was little way for them to do that. As a result, many of the lords lost land and the serfs on it were freed, becoming the Middle Class. Another reason that some of the lords were displaced is because some nobles died in battle in the Crusades and their land went to kings. Other nobles sold their land for war supplies and allowed their serfs to buy freedom and inhabit the town or be free on the land. The middle class was also on kings' good sides in the first place because the King could collect taxes from them to fund wars.

What Feudalism is based on .?

the exchange of duties and rights between lords. :) the exchange of duties and rights between lords the exchange of duties and rights between lords the exchange of duties and rights between lords the exchange of duties and rights between lords the exchange of duties and rights between lords

Why was it called the kings crusade?

the third crusades was called the king's crusades, because they had favor in the king's eyes.

What is a vassalage?

Vassalage is the relationship between the feudal lord and his vassal. Kings had higher lords as vassals, and higher lords had lower lords as vassals. The practice was called subinfeudation.

The House of Lords and the House of Commons are the two houses of?

the house of commons and the house of lords

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Nobles and lords joined the crusades thinking they would?

add land to their estates

Lords of the Crusades?

Well, in the Crusade of the Christians vs. the Muslims, the Christian lord was Richard the Lionhearted, and the Muslim lord was Saladin.

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Tony Lords goes by AJ Lords, Tony Vendetta, and Antoneo Lords J.

Did men go on the crusades?


Where did people go on Crusades?


What was promised to those who fought in the crusades?

The popes promised the crusaders that they would go to Heaven if they fought in the crusades

How were people persuaded to go to the crusade?

People were persuaded to go to the Crusades through the use of religion and rewards in the after-life. It was believed that a warrior in the Crusades would be greatly rewarded in his afterlife. Participation in the Crusades became a badge of honor.

Why did peasants want to go on the crusades?

Peasants were often seeking adventure, hoping to gain wealth and land, or seeking forgiveness for sins through service to the Church. Additionally, some peasants were promised salvation and redemption in return for their service on the crusades.

One fact about the crusades?

A fact about the crusades is that people went on the crusades because Pope Urban told them that they would be forgiven for their sins and tht they would automatically go to Heaven.

Why did peasants go on Crusades?

escape hard work

Why did men go in Crusades?

For Freedom, riches, and Adventure.

How could you avoid the crusades?

Don't volunteer to go on it!