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They insisted on adding it because they wanted ti protect the basic rights of the people.

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Q: Why did many delegates insist on adding 10 amendments to the constitution soon after it was ratified?
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Why did many delegates insist on adding 10 amendments to the constitution after it was ratified?

They insisted on adding it because they wanted ti protect the basic rights of the people.

What is the term for changing or adding to the Constitution?

Adding to or changing the Constitution It is called "amending" it. There are currently 27 ratified amendments to the US Constitution.

Why did many delegates from the constitutional convention insist on adding ten amendments to the constitution soon after it was ratified?

They wanted to be sure that basic rights were protected by the constitution and that there would be a method to insure that there wouldn't be a king.

Why did many delegates insists on adding ten amendments to the constitutional soon after it was ratified?

to limit the powers of the states governments

Can amendments be removed from the constitution?

A total of 33 amendments have been made to the US constitution since approval of Constitution in March 4, 1789.A total of 27 amendments have been ratified and 6 are still pending ratification. The oldest un-ratified amendment dates back to September 25, 1789 which is still pending. Ratified amendments are permanent changes to constitution.

What is the purpose of adding amendments to the constitution?

It's to change or alter the constitution. So, we add amendments as our nation's culture changes.

How has the constitution been amended to expand the amount of people who are involved in government and how has the constitution been reinterpreted to expand the rights of the people?

The Constitution has been amended by adding the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) and adding amendments 11-27.

How did article 5 change the Constitution?

Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution may be altered. Such amendments may be proposed by the United States Congress or by a national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the several states. To become valid, amendments must then be ratified by either the legislatures of or ratifying conventions held in three-fourths of the several states, and may not deny any state its equal right to vote in the Senate without its consent.

What must be added to change the constitution?

The US Constitution is changed by adding amendments, as explained in article V of the Constitution.

What is a way to improve the constitution?

This question refers to the procedures for modifying the Constitution of the United States. The actual revisions themselves are known as Amendments. The adding of Amendments occurs through a Constitutional Convention.

What did the federalist agree to in order to gain support for the the constitution?

adding amendments to protect basic rights

What did the federalist agree to in order to gain support for the Constitution?

adding amendments to protect basic rights