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Q: Why did people build tree houses?
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they build tree houses or houses on stilts

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Molave tree is a strong tree and it can build a houses or even buildings

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How did people make houses?

People cut trees to build their houses in the rainforest

What are people called that build houses?

mp is the people who b

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we cut tree's down to make wood or to build houses

Where can I find more information on building tree houses?

There are various resources online to help you build a tree house. The Family Handyman is one, with complete instruction, and also Wiki offers instructions on how to build a tree house.

What Jimmy Carter do as a philanthropist?

He helped build houses in New York for people who could not afford to build houses.(after being president)

What did the european explorers build their houses with?

European explorers built their houses with a variety of materials depending on the region they were exploring. Common materials included wood, stone, thatch, and mud bricks. They often used locally available materials to construct their shelters.

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Where would someone find instructions for building a tree house?

One can find instructions for building a tree house from the company Build It Now. They have lots of different instructions, and tree houses are one thing they sell instructions to build.