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See in The Bible it actually talks about witches, and of course in England (17th, 18th, 19th centuries) they were strong believers in the church. Most people were un-educated and fearful, so they just decided to follow the bible's teachings blindly. This spread into the early colonies, and people again followed the bible blindly and as you know the Salem Witch Trials happened.

In short, the people who were afraid of witches were the un-educated and those easily fooled.

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13y ago
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13y ago

really witches look like people but the puratens who led the witch trails change there image of the witch to a ugly hag to disgrace them so that is why they are scary and i think one of the ways they killed a witch is to burn his or her face in hot boiling greasce to make them hidesus then they displayed them in the public then they kill them

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12y ago

People are scared of witches and warlocks, because, sometimes they like to blame superstition on bad events. This took place in Salem Mass. and it takes place today in Africa and Asia and other undeveloped nations, where people have not been educated to know there is usually a valid scientific explanation for bad occurrences. Blaming magic and witches is easy, when you are too ignorant to know any better. Unfortunately, when people blame witches for their problems, there is often an innocent person who's accused of being a witches and that people might be harmed or killed. Around 45,000 men and women were executed, (in the Middle Ages), with the crime of witchcraft being the reason for their death.

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11y ago

For the same reason that people believe in witches nowadays (and if you think they don't, check out how many people and churches freaked out at the Harry Potter books), which is that witches provide a focus for people's fears. Other groups of people, real and imaginary, who serve the same purpose in people's minds are the Illuminati, Jews, terrorists, aliens, Freemasons, communists and Muslims. In all cases, people imagine that a somewhat mysterious group that they don't know much about (and don't dare find out about, because knowledge is dangerous) have mysterious powers which will enable them to do awful and terrible things. Any awful and terrible things which have happened are guessed to have been secretly caused by the witches, Illuminati, Jews, etc.

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14y ago

People fear witches because for centuries people have made old wives tales about them killing or sacrificing or even summoning demons

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13y ago

Witches themselves are not terrible. The behaviour which ignorant people spread towards witches is what makes them angry.

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Q: Why are witches so terrible?
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Why r witches so terrible?

well obviously they r so terrible because they r believd to have mystical powers and some witchs dont use this mystical power for good. so also my advice is dont get in hissy with a witch

How were witches treated?

Witches were to be believed evil in the old days. They would usually burn a witch to the stake or just hang them.The accused "witches" were treated terrible. The people of Salem thought that if someone was a witch, the witch would do horrible things. The people also thought that they should get rid of the witches, so they would drown people who they thought was a witch and if you were you would be able to undrown yourself with your powers and it you weren't you were just led there to drown!

Why were so many convicted witches killed?

People were scared of what witches could or would do with their power. They considered all witches evil, which was not, in fact, the case. Indeed, there were evil witches, but there were also good witches.

What terrible acts are witches responsible for?

None whatsoever (unless you were a Mediaeval Inquisitor - then you would have thought they sacrificed babies, they had sexual intercourse with demons, they mocked the Christian symbols, they worshipped Satan, they harmed and killed people and their animals and so on...).

Witches with stakes in heart Salem?

Stakes through the heart is how to kill VAMPIRES not witches, so no.

Which animal protects witches?

Witches do not exist and hence i cannot think of any animal which would do so.

Were there witches in the countryside in the 1800s?

Yes. Witches have existed much longer than Christians. So, Yes There Were.

What skin problems are witches known to have?

Witches are real people so any regular skin problem

How did witches got tortured in Europe?

Witches don't excist so there's no way that would've happened.

What do witches hate to do?

witches hate children especially dirty children and they have big nostrils so be careful.

How do witches get their sleep?

Witches aren't real so they don't and can't do anything because well... they aren't real.

Did the witches make Macbeth murder duncan?

The witches only gave Macbeth prophecies. It was his decision to do so after Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Although the witches' intentions was probably to cause this murder, the witches did not make Macbeth muder Duncan.