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And why not pray? Not only was it the Church in England, it was the people of England at prayer!! It is estimated that over some 96% [Feild.] of the population were members!*

It was the gateway to heaven, through its sacraments you were made members of Christ and Children of God! You were nourished if you were sick and helped by the prayers of the Communion all through your life. You were never alone and every week you were prepared for and received the Body and Blood of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! You were shriven and given the last rites and you query having to contribute ?

That some of the money so contributed was not well spent , I agree! But the Anglican Church was indeed the Mother of the people! They cannot be blamed for the despoiling of the Church by the gentry and Nobility! For instance, it is known history that Cromwell, a calvinist, having wasted his patrimony inherited Church tithes contributed by his neighbours to the some of £103.00 pounds a year!

Then played more than his fare share in bringing the Church down in a war of religion.

*Everybody validly baptised by water and by words is made a member of the Catholic Church, a Child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of God!

Clarendon's History! Vol.1/6.

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Because King Henry VIII told them to and threatened punishment if they refused. Pretty much the same reasons as made people pay any taxes.

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Q: Why did people pay taxes to the Church of England?
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