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Plantation owners acquired slaves from Africa to provide cheap labor for their plantations, as they could exploit the forced labor of enslaved individuals for economic gain. Slavery allowed plantation owners to increase their agricultural output and profits.

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Q: Why did plantation owners acquire slaves from Africa?
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Why were slaves brought from Africa preferred over indigenous slaves?

Slaves from Africa were often preferred over indigenous slaves because they were viewed as better suited for agricultural labor due to their experience in farming and working in tropical climates. Additionally, African slaves were more resistant to diseases like malaria that were prevalent in the Caribbean and Americas, making them more valuable to plantation owners.

Why did plantation owners prefer African slaves to indentured servants?

Plantation owners preferred African slaves over indentured servants because slaves were seen as a more permanent and cost-effective labor source. Slaves were considered property for life, providing long-term labor stability, while indentured servants worked for a defined period before gaining freedom. Additionally, racial prejudices and laws made it easier to control and subjugate African slaves compared to European indentured servants.

Who benefited from triangular trade?

European traders, African chiefs who profited from selling slaves, and plantation owners in the Americas who relied on slave labor all benefited from triangular trade.

The term triangular trade referred to the exchange of?

goods, slaves, and commodities between Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the 16th to 19th centuries. Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves who were then transported to the Americas to work on plantations. The products from the plantations, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, were then sent back to Europe.

Why were Africans chosen to become slaves?

Africans were chosen to become slaves primarily because of their physical ability to withstand the harsh conditions of plantation labor, their perceived inferiority by European colonizers, and their vulnerability due to political instability and conflicts in Africa. The transatlantic slave trade further perpetuated the demand for African labor in the Americas.

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Why were slaves transported for slave labor from Africa to the Americas?

American plantation owners wanted cheap labour

Where did Slave owners in the South acquire slaves from?

Ships from Europe would buy slaves from other slave owners in Africa (YES there were slave owners in Africa!) and then transport them into docks in southern states bordering the Atlantic. There owners from the States could buy or trade them.

Who were in charge of slaves?

most slaves were controled by plantation owners

What is the difference between yeomen and plantation owners?

Yeomen did not own slaves and were poor while plantation owners were rich and owned many slaves.

Who is incharge of the slaves?

plantation owners mostly

What did the plantation owners do on the plantation?

they played with the slaves when the were little and as they grew older (if the dad didn't have a son) they would own the slaves and the plantation

What are two differences between yeoman and plantation owners?

Yeomen did not own slaves and were very poor, while plantation owners had many slaves and were rich.

Why did slave owners support racism?

Plantation owners supported and propagated racism to justify owning people as slaves.

Did plantation owners support racism?

Plantation owners supported and propagated racism to justify owning people as slaves.

Because plantation owners owned the most land and slaves?

Plantation owners were usually the most wealthy people in their area so they did tend to own the most land and slaves

Were plantation owners afraid that slaves were using instuments to celebrate when a slave escaped?

no. Because they had overseers and the plantation owners would usually check or guard the plantation.

What did plantation owners do after bartolome told them to use African slaves?

they used the slaves as they were instruckted to