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Q: Why did pope urban ll call for the crusades?
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How did Otto I and Frederick I try to imitate Charlemagne approach to empire building?

l l l l l ll 'l'l 'll l l

What was pope urban ll main reason for calling for the crusade or war of the cross?

He proclaimed that the reason was the 'terrible treatment' by Muslims of Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem and the desecretion of Christian holy places in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Palestine.The real reason was however a simple matter of power politics. Urban II and many if not most of his predecessors had been involved in endless and sometimes even armed power struggles with the Emperors of Byzantium. The Emperors had always refused to acknowledge the Popes' supremacy in religious matters and often pretented them to be little more than simply the bishop of a much-declined city of Rome. It had even led to a split in the Christian world, with eastern Europeans now being Orthodox Catholics with their spiritual center and leadership in Constantinople.But Byzantium now was falling on hard times with the Muslims having become a serious threat to the Byzantine State. The Byzantine Emperor had been asking for a (professional) Christian army under the leadership of battle-hardened kings and knights to help him beat back the Muslim advance.Urban II saw this as his chance to establish his supremacy as Pope and to re-unite all Catholics under his rule - the price the Emperor would have to pay for his organizing a Christian army.In the end, Urban's grand design failed. Only the first Crusade was something of a success, but the Christian knights thereafter had to spend all their energies on holding on to the small Crusader States they had established against the Muslims - and ultimately failed. To the Byzantine Emperor, the various Christian armies crossing his realm were usually little more than badly organized and led bands of amateurs who often were crushingly defeated instead of pushing back the Muslim threat. Some of the later Crusades were even directed against Byzantium itself, usually with the enthusiatic help of Italian merchant city-States who saw this as an opportunity to eliminate Constantinople as a commercial rival.

What exact date did WW ll start and end?

may 1,1939 to august 31,1945

Who is the son of pepin ll that halted Muslim advantages?

The son who halted the Arab advance in Europe was (nick)named Charles Martel, which last word means ´the hammer´.

How many is xxxll in roman numersls?

Presumably your question is: "What is 189 in Roman numerals?"CLXXXVIIII (189) or IXCC (200-11). Note that 189 in Roman numerals is not CLXXXIX despite what you may have read or been told.Alternative, conventional answer: Presumably your question was "What is the value of the Roman numeral CLXXXIX?" The correct answer is indeed 189. Roman numerals should be read from left to right with the highest value numeral at the start. Clearly C (100) + L (50) + XXX (30) + IV (9) follows this rule and is therefore perfectly correct and acceptable. The alternative answer C (100) + L (50 + XXX (30) + VIIII (9) which is written as CLXXXVIIII also follows this rule and is also numerically correct, although it is unweildy and is rarely used. The other alternative IXCC made up from IX (9) less than CC (200) clearly flouts the rule of starting with the largest numeral on the left. According to the website it also breaks the rule that, "I can preceed V and X but should not preceed any larger numeral." As I is placed before C in IXCC this is clearly wrong.

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Roman Catholic AnswerPope Urban II started one of the first crusades to liberate the Holy Land. One of the reasons he is so well know now is that all of the reports about his crusade, all of which were written much later, had him saying that the crusaders should destroy the "vile race" that was occupying the Holy Land. There is no actual evidence that he ever said such things. See the accompanying article below:

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The Fatimid Caliphate, an Islamic caliphate ruled by the Fatimid dynasty, was the Muslim power in Jerusalem before the First Crusade. They controlled Jerusalem and its surrounding territories in the 10th and 11th centuries.