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The 13 colonies wanted to form a representative government in order to form a single voice that would represent them in a more perfect union. They didn't want any more than one voice representing them.

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Q: Why did the 13 colonies form a representative government?
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What was the first example of representative government in the 13 colonies?

The General Assembly

What is the representative government in the 13 colonies?

This was the first written example of democracy. It also used majority rule.

What form of government did the 13 English colonies set up?

The origins of Virginia began in 1607 with the founding of Jamestown. The Virginia Company, which had been given the charter to found the colony, set up a General Assembly. In 1624, Virginia became a royal colony when the Virginia Company's charter was revoked. However, the General Assembly stayed in place which helped set a model for representative government in this and other colonies.

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mercantilism affected the 13 colonies because it was the type of government the 13 colonies used

What type of government did New Hampshire have when founded in 1623?

Like the rest of the 13 colonies many had the right to self rule, where they could govern their own activities as long as they remained loyal to the King.

What was the hands-off policy during the original 13 colonies?

The hands off policy of the 13 colonies was known as laissez-faire. It was a form of free market that did not allow the government to get involved in economics.

What plan of government did the states first form after the war for independence?

first off THERE were NO States during the revolutionary war only colonies... 13 colonies.... but The Governing body of the Colonies was called The Continental Congress

What type of government did the original thirteen colonies have?

Type your answer here... The 13 colonies had a ruler \/government

How would it be the disadvantages for the American colonies to stay with England?

If the American colonies were to stay in England, America would not be the same. The 13 colonies were the first to allow religious freedom and have religious tolerance as proven in some as history's greatest document such as Mayflower Compact and Maryland's Tolerance. Also if the American colonies were to stay in England there wouldn't be the democratic system of government we have today because the colonies sprouted a system of government called The House of Burgess es which was the start of a representative government which lead to our country today.

What type of government was set up by the 13 colonies?

a monarchy

Who was from tn that signed Declaration of Independence?

Tennessee was not one of the original 13 colonies, so it did not have a representative at the signing of the Declaration.

Did the 13 original colonies have identical government and interests?

No, the 13 colonies were very independent at first with their own ideas, governments, and interests. It took a lot of work to unite the colonies.