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Q: Why did the Bedouins become Nomads in the Byzantine Empire?
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What did the Eastern Roman Empire become?

The Byzantine Empire.

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How were lands that were once part of the Byzantine Empire added to the Islamic world?

Why did the byzantine empire become so wealthy?

by conquering varies of land

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August 9, 527 A.D.

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They attracted visitors to Constantinople merchant came to trade the byzantine people liked to show off their wealth and they impressed their visitors by ceremonies, glittering jewels and some rich clothes. The visitors brought all the products home with them to show others.

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When Alexander the Great conquered all and also with the Byzantine Empire.

What do historians call the eastern roman empire?

Not sure what you mean by "new." Historically, it would be Byzantium. The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire began with the Roman Emperor Constantine I in the 4th Century CE; as Western Europe was collapsing into the Dark Ages, he moved the (his new) Roman capitol to the location of Byzantium in Turkey; to become the great city of Constantinople (known today as Istanbul). It continued on as the premier power center of civilization & culture of the Eastern Mediterranean for about a 1000 years, until it was conquered by the Ottomans...

Do the nomads still exsists?

Yes they do, this answer probably won't be seen, but nomads are almost everywhere, anyone can become nomads anytime.

Did Baghdad become the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

I believe this is false. If your in AOA, you should look at your previous lessons for the answer, unless of course your in a test. But the correct answer is FALSE. (:

Where do Bedouins live?

Since the Bedouins are mainly nomadic people they move constantly. They live primarily in villages with their families in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Syria, and Sudan. Bedouins are, of course, not limited to one country or region, though the more traditional Bedouins do normally inhabit the desert regions, including the Sinai and the Eastern and Western Deserts. However, these days, they can also be found in many of the resort communities of the Sinai and even in the larger cities of Egypt, such as Cairo. In many countries where they reside, there has been increasing governmental pressure for them to leave their nomadic lifestyle behind and become settled since, as nomads, Bedouins do not pay property taxes, income taxes, and several other forms of taxes since they are not applicable to a nomadic lifestyle. When they live in these new cities, suddenly they become part of the tax base.

Why did the nomads become farmers?

to help their surplus and the phaoh

What year did constantinople become the capital of the roman empire?

Constantinople became the new capital in the year a.d. 312