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Because it was closest to Britain, so a Channel crossing there would the easiest for the Allies. Another reason was that the Allies did not want the Germans to find out what the real intended invasion location for D-Day was, and they had set up an elaborate misinformation campaign. They succeeded in making the Germans think that the invasion would indeed take place much farther north, in the Calais region.

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Hitler had taken or allied with every other European country, and he knew that if he took Britain, he would be able to launch a full scale attack on the east completely unopposed.

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Q: Why did the German's think Britain was going to attack calais?
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one of the main things is the Germans didn't know were the attack was going to be, the allies tricked them to think they were going to attack Calais's, but they attacked Normandy, operation overlord was a big success and was one of the main battled that won the war.

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The Germans were convinced any invasion would be at the narrowest part of the English Channel - between Dover and Calais.

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The allies tricke the Germans into spliting there force by sending a double agent to say they where going to land at Pas- de-Calais, which is closer to Engalnd

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Most of the Germans thought the invasion would happen at Straits of Calais. This was the shortest crossing point.

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What simple devises made the Germans believe the landing was going to be at Calais?

quite a lot, there was actually an ex German spy who started to help the English and actually told the Germans that there was going to be an invasion in Calais on June 6th, also there were dummy planes and tanks put in Dover and they created a fake radio tower which gave off radio signals.

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Russia jumped in on Serbia's side, dragging in her ally, France, in the process. This triggered the German attack on France, which the Germans made by way of Belgium. Going through Belgium brought Great Britain in. So Russia, France, Belgium and Great Britain (and all her Commonwealth states and colonies).

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The main reason would be that the Germans didn't exactly know were the invasion was going to be, so they created the Atlantic wall which was from cherboug to Calais's, but because the Germans thought they would be landing in Calais they had most of there defences up there. but along the coast of Normandy they still had defenses and just simply had more at Omaha beach.

How did the british trick the Germans into thinking they were going to land in calais in World War 2?

A lot of intelligence went into Operation Fortitude. This was a huge undertaking to deceive the Nazis into believing the main force of Allies would land at the Pas de Calais. It involved staging dummy tanks and planes on the English coastline to fool the Germans into thinking the Allies were building up to make an all out attack. The Operation involved double agents, fake telegraphy messages, a phony movement of some of the allied warriors and many other details. They also tried to get the Germans to think they would also land at Norway. See the link below for a great article on the deceptive operation.

Why was George S. Patton given command of a fake army before the Day invasion?

Patton was given command of a fake army to confuse German spies as to where the invasion was going to take place. Patton's intent was to make them think of Calais as the target. It apparently worked as the Germans strengthened troops in Calais area.

Why was George Patton given command of a fake army before the D-Day invasion?

Patton was given command of a fake army to confuse German spies as to where the invasion was going to take place. Patton's intent was to make them think of Calais as the target. It apparently worked as the Germans strengthened troops in Calais area.