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The ten tribes (Reuvain, part of Shimon, most of Levi, Yissachar, Zevulun, Dan, Asher, Gad, Naphtali, and Joseph) broke away from Judah; while Benjamin remained loyal to Judah (I Kings ch. 12). The incident which instigated the breakaway was that when Solomon died, the people asked his son (Rechav'am) to ease up on the taxes and he loudly refused.

The revolt was led by a descendant of Joseph. Joseph's progeny had never forgotten how important they had been in Egypt and in the time of Joshua (who was also descended from Joseph).

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11y ago
A:There are traditionally twelve Hebrew tribes recognised, representing each of the sons of Jacob or Israel. However, the names of the tribes vary somewhat through the Old Testament narrative, suggesting a more fluid tribal history than generally recognised. Either there were at different times more than twelve tribes, or biblical tradition was unsure of just what tribes existed in the earliest times of Hebrew history. The tribe of Judah is not even mentioned in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:2-31), believed to be one of the earliest passages in The Bible. The absence of Judah from the earliest biblical records probably reflects the fact, confirmed by archaeologists, that Judah was the last region to be settled by the Hebrew people.

The biblical account says that the other ten tribes rebelled and separated from Judah and Benjamin, rather than the other way around. King Solomon had ruled most unwisely, levying swingeing taxes that the northern tribes found unbearable, so they rebelled when Solomon's son and successor refused to lower those taxes. The northern tribes took the name Israel for their kingdom and the southern tribes seemed not to have objected, calling their remnant kingdom Judah.

Archaeologists say the United Monarchy never really existed, and that Israel and Judah were always separate, with their own customs, pottery and dialects of the Hebrew language. Never having been united, neither really separated from the other.

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8y ago

The other way around. The other Israelite tribes split away from Judah and Benjamin.

Rehoboam's father, King Solomon, had levied relatively heavy taxes, which had been used for such large-scale endeavors as building the First Temple. The fact that the nation was so prosperous and happy in his time (1 Kings 4:20) demonstrates that Solomon conducted his governance in a praiseworthy manner.

After Solomon's death, the people approached his son Rehav'am (Rehoboam) and asked that he now lower the tax. He ignored the counsel of his elder advisers and refused the people's request. This led the Ten Tribes to turn away from him (1 Kings ch.12).

The background reason was because King Solomon had been less than perfectly righteous. This led God to punish him by diminishing his dynasty in the lifetime of his son (Rehoboam). 1 Kings ch.11.

A deeper reason is that God wanted the more righteous people of Judah to be influenced by the Ten Tribes as little as possible.

See also:

Solomon's errors

Jewish history timeline

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8y ago

The ten northern tribes were taken over and incorporated into the Assyrian Empire.

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Q: Why did the Jewish tribes Benjamin and judah split off from the other tribes?
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Why did Judah and Benjamin split off the other tribes?

nc they wanted to be separate

Why did Benjamin and Judah split off from the other tribes?

nc they wanted to be separate

Were judeans israelites?

Yes, they comprised two of the twelve tribes of Israel (Judah and Benjamin), with remnants of all the other tribes of Israel.

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10. The northern kingdom had many more tribes go with. To my knowledge, Benjamin and Judah were the 2 southern tribes while the other 10 were in the north.

If you are from the tribe of Judah are you a Jew?

Judaism goes by the mother. If your mom is Jewish, then you are (even if your dad is not). If your dad's Jewish but not your mom, then you are not Jewish, even if her dad is Jewish. Tribes however, work just the opposite: it goes according to your dad. Any further questions, you can ask (chat with) a Rabbi at the askmoses website.

Why did two emerging empires within the Fertile Crescent gained control of Israel and Judah respectively?

The Assyrians were expanding their empire from the north and took the northern ten tribes. 120 years later, after Babylon had taken over the Assyrians, it expanded into Egypt, and in the process took over the other two tribes Judah and Benjamin.

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What does the name Judah mean in the bible?

It's an important place, I think the southern part of IsraelIt used to be called Judah before the Romans cameIt was the portion of the promised land given to the tribe of Judah, which, with Benjamin, were the only two tribes left in Israel after the other ten tribes were removed.Answering "what does Judea mean":According to Strong's Lexicon, Judea means "he shall be praised."

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Ten of the 12 tribes set up their own nation in the north. It was called the kingdom of Israel and it's capital was Samaria. In the south, the other two tribes founded the smaller kingdom of Judah.

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Using the modern meaning of the word "Jewish" as someone who practices/practiced Judaism, There was not tribe that was Hebrew but not Jewish, because Jewish and Hebrew are basically the same ethnicity.Note: Historically the word "Jew" originated as a description of the members of the tribe of Judah only. If you are a stickler for this meaning, then only the people of the Hebrew tribe of Judah were Jews, and the other 11 Hebrew tribes were Benjaminites, Reubenites, Gadites, etc.