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Most of them didn't.

The Abolitionists did. But most Northerners were not Abolitionists, and were just exasperated that all of this was bringing war nearer.

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Q: Why did the North consisder John Brown a martyr?
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Fanatical and bloody minded abolitionist martyr admired in the north and hated in the south?

John Brown

The hanging of a fanatically violent abolitionist makes him a martyr in the North and a hated symbol in the South?

John Brown

Was john brown a maniac?

No. He was a martyr

How was John Brown regarded by many people in the north?

Abolitionists were split on John Brown. Some thought he was a martyr for the cause, while others viewed him as a common murderer.

Was John Brown a Martyr or madman?

a complete and total MADMAN! well, he was a martyr to himself but in my eyes a madman!

How did people in the north and the south react to john browns raid?

the north believed that he was a martyr who had died for his beliefs. many people sang,"John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave; but His soul's marching on!"the southern citizens thought that he was a criminal would tried to steal their property.

How did John Brown attack on harpers Ferry increase tensions between the North and the south?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.


For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.

How did John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry increase tensions between the north and the south?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.

How did John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry increase tensions between the North and South?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.

How did John Browns attack on Harper's Ferry increase tensions between the North and the South?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.

How did john browns attack on harpers ferry increased tensions between the north and south?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.