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The Puritans moved to Maryland from Virginia after Virginia adopted the Church of England as the State Religion of their Colony. Their expulsion led them to Maryland which was noted for providing Toleration of a sort to other trinitarian Christians. They received a grant near the Severn River to establish the community of Providence which became Annapolis. The Puritans were not good guests. They revolted and took over Maryland, ousted their Catholic hosts and banned both Catholocism and the Church of England from Colonial Maryland.

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6y ago

Cecil Calvert, the 2nd Baron Baltimore. started Maryland as a haven for religious toleration sheltering Catholics. However nearby Protestants from Massachusetts did not like religious toleration. John Coode led a rebellion to take over Maryland and since there was a Glorious Revolution back in England, there was no support for Catholics.

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Q: Why did the Protestants and Catholics settle in Maryland?
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more protestants than catholics settled there. (apex)

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more protestants than catholics settled there. (apex)

What happened to the Calvert's dream of making Maryland home to the wealthy Catholics?

more protestants than catholics settled there. (apex)