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The USSR knew how dangerous the confrontation would be if the USA & the USSR would go head to head in a nuclear war. The destruction of the world was a huge possibility and niether superpower could risk that.

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Q: Why did the USSR agree to dismantle its missiles bases in Cuba?
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In 1962 the world learned that had been spotted in Cuba.?

In 1962, the world learned that there was a build up of medium range missiles and missile bases in Cuba. U2 spy planes actually photographed the missiles and the bases.

Which country was placing missiles in cuba?

The USSR (popularly known as Russia) was supplying the missile bases in Cuba.

What was John Kennedys reaction to the discovery of these missiles?

YOu probably mean the missile bases on Cuba. They were not yet stocked with missilles. The answer was to blockade Cuba and intercept the Russian ships that were carrying missiles there.

Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey?

It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

What did khruschev and Kennedy agree to do to settle the Cuban missile crisis?

Russia would pull the missiles out of Cuba.

Why were the missils sent to Cuba?

The USA had missile bases in Turkey which were pointing directly at the USSR so the USSR put missiles on Cuba so that they were pointing directly at the USA. So therefore if the USA ordered the missiles in Turkey to attack the USSR, then the USSR could just straight away order the missiles in Cuba to attack the USA.

Why did USSR agree to dismantle the missile bases in Cuba?

The USSR knew how dangerous the confrontation would be if the USA & the USSR would go head to head in a nuclear war. The destruction of the world was a huge possibility and niether superpower could risk that.

How Cuban missile crisis what they agree to?

The Soviets agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba and promised never to reintroduce them. The United States openly agreed to never invade Cuba and secretly promised to remove their Jupiter Missiles in Turkey, which they did 6 months later.

What action did president Kennedy take after he learned the soviets had to placed long range missiles in the world?

He all ready knew that they had "long range missiles" in the world,but through the spy planes he discovered that they were on Cuba. That placed them in our sphere of influence and they had to be moved. On Cuba they were only 90 miles from the United States. Even today Russian ships and submarines dock in Cuba.

What did president Kennedy do when he realized the soviets were setting up missile launching sites in Cuba?

President Kennedy set up a naval blockade to turn back Soviet ships that were carrying missiles to Cuba. The US promised not to invade Cuba and to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey and Europe in exchange for the dismantling of missile bases in Cuba. The US claimed, that it had already planned the Turkey missile bases.

How did President John F. Kennedy respond to the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy set up a naval blockade to turn back Soviet ships that were carrying missiles to Cuba. The US promised not to invade Cuba and to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey and Europe in exchange for the dismantling of missile bases in Cuba. The US claimed, that it had already planned the Turkey missile bases.

As a result of what war does JFK agree to pull American nuclear missiles out of turkey?

This did not come about because of any "war", but due to the confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union called the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS. The US agitation over the missiles in Cuba was matched by Soviet agitation over the missiles in Turkey and the Soviets agreed that they would withdraw their weapons from Cuba if the US did similarly in Turkey.