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The law was passed with the hope that the Indian tribes would willingly go to lands west of the Mississippi. It was thought at the time that America would never expand as far as the Mississippi. If the Indians were "with their own people" it would be better and safer for everyone. Americans did not want to understand that every tribe was different

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As people began to move west they wanted the Native American lands, so the act made it official that the tribes were to be removed. From the very moment of the first colony the European settlers did their best to kill, remove, or displace the Native tribes from their lands. The government made treaties they broke and they forcibly removed people to reservations. The Union army would go into a sleeping village early in the morning and kill men, women, and children. The government policy was a " good Indian was a dead one" and they would do anything to accomplish this task. Read Black Elk Speaks or Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for further understanding of the genocide that was committed.

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Q: Why did the US pass the Indian Removal Act?
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1. Cherokee fight for the United States in the War of 18122. The Supreme Court says Georgia Indian laws are unconstitutional3. Jackson supp0rts the Indian Removal Act with force(Apex)

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No "case" led to the passage of the Indian removal Act; however 2 cases resulted from this act. Most important was Cherokee Nation VS Georgia 30 US 1, 5 (1831) (see links) and Worcester VS Georgia 31 US 515 (8 L.Ed 483) (1832).

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Oklahoma was an unwanted piece of land at the time. So, they made us move to Oklahoma, and settle there.

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The Indian Removal Act has not been repealed and is still an active law, most of the provisions of that law are not enforced however. The only parts of that law that are still enforced is that non-US Citizen 'Indians' are not allowed off reservations, or allowed to exist if they do not have a reservation.

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the cherokee fight for the us in the war of 1812

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On May 28, 1830, the Congress passed the Indian Removal Act. This was under the governance of President Andrew Jackson.

Which US President moved Native Americans from their homes in the east to Oklahoma?

Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law on 26 May 1830.