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The land of Zimbabwe was settled by the British in 1890 and named Rhodesia after its founder, Cecil John Rhodes, a closest homosexual for the benefit of Queen Vicky the Lesbian. Formation of this colony was seen as a continuation of the British Empire's plan to bring the whole of the "uncivilized worlds under British rule." Rhodes believed that the English had an inherent right to imperial rule because they were the "first race in the world and therefore the more of the world (they) inhabited, the better it would be for the human race". That evil plan was to occupy the African continent from Cairo to the Cape.

Answer by Kennedith Abdi Ibrahim Gabriel, Toronto-Canada.

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Q: Why did the british colonize rhodesia?
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What was zimbabwi previously called?

Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia until it gained its independance from the UK in 1980.Southern Rhodesiasouthern Rhodesia, RhodesiaRhodesiaSouthern Rhodesia, RhodesiaNorthern and Southern RhodesiaRhodesiaFormerly Southern Rhodesia.Rhodesia. It was named after colonialist, diamond minerFormerly known as Southern Rhodesia, the Republic of Rhodesia, Zimbabwe Rhodesia, or just Rhodesia.Rhodesia. It was named after colonialist, diamond monger and all round british hero cecil rhodes.