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Your question is wrong.

Israel creation occurred in British areas. this areas was never Arabic.

The act was not malicious towards the Arabs. The area where the Land of Israel (the biblically defined region) was had no Arabs at the point in time when the Israelite Kingdoms reigned since the Arabs at the time were living almost exclusively in the Arabian Peninsula. During the Rise of Islam period, over 1000 years later, Arab armies and populations resettled the "Northern Middle East" which consists of places like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. These Arabs interbred with the local peoples and Arabized them (this is a cultural/identity process). Therefore, the Land of Israel became host to an Arab population. When Jews made a political gambit to get the Land of Israel back, it now had an Arab population that could trace its roots back for at least 800 years and considered the territory part of their birthright.

If the question is asking, why did the Jews not choose Patagonia or some other region with no discernible native population, the answer is the same reason as why the Kurds and Circassians also do not want a State in their Diasporas. There is something intrinsic about all of these people and their connection to the place of their origin. Jews have the right to not have to compromise their historical identity for momentary peace.

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Q: Why did the creation of Israel occur in Arab areas?
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