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China is one of the world is largest countries. It is located in eastern Asia. Like India, China is surrounded by natural barriers. Mountains and deserts lie to the north, south, and west of China. To the east lies the Pacific Ocean. Natural barriers helped to protect ancient China from invasion. The barriers also limited China's contacts with other civilizations.

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Ronaldo Rodriguez

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China is one of the world is largest countries. It is located in eastern Asia. Like India, China is surrounded by natural barriers. Mountains and deserts lie to the north, south, and west of China. To the east lies the Pacific Ocean. Natural barriers helped to protect ancient China from invasion. The barriers also limited China's contacts with other civilizations.

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Q: Why did the early Chinese have so little contact with the other ancient civilizations?
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From hamalaya moutons

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It was because the geography consisted of many mountains in the West and North (surrounding them) and beyond that were perilous deserts. This stopped them from traveling to other countries. Only a few merchants got to Rome and India. No Chinese man ever got to Greece.

How did the physical geography around China affect Chinese civilization?

The last answer is true, but incomplete. Geographic barriers such as mountains or seas separated china from other land. As a result, the Chinese had little knowledge of civilizations of Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome. Hope that helps!

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The Chinese, until the late middle ages, were relatively isolated from the civilizations of Europe and the Americas. Thus, their language grew independently (it isn't romance, nor does it resemble eastern European languages) as did their culture. So, limited contact prevented cultural influences from Europe to be thoroughly know in China, although I wouldn't sat the Chinese knew absolutely nothing of foreign nations (quite the opposite in fact)

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Because its a little part of Chinese history.During the ancient China ,if the government wanted to memorize some people or some important events ,they will build a pagodas.

How did the geography around china affect the Chinese civilization?

The last answer is true, but incomplete. Geographic barriers such as mountains or seas separated china from other land. As a result, the Chinese had little knowledge of civilizations of Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome. Hope that helps!

What is the Chinese word for little?

The Chinese word for "little" is 小 (xiǎo).