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It began later in the north because they had less exposure to trade and new ideas. The invention of the printing press was a primary factor of why it started in the north.

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Italy recovered fairly quickly from the Black Death and was soon a center of creative upsurge known as the Renaissance. In Northern Europe, recovery was delayed for nearly 100 years.

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Q: Why does the renaissance happen 100 years later in northern Europe than southern Europe?
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How does the Northern Renaissance differ from the earlier Renaissance?

There were only two major Renaissances in Europe. There was the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance. If you want to know the differences, there is a link below to help you learn the difference between the two and what caused them to happen in different time periods.

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No. Asia is a different country and society. The Renaissance was in Europe and began in Italy.

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The Renaissance occurred throughout Europe. It started in Italy, where it also had the greatest impact.

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