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The rank of senator in ancient Rome could be a lifelong position if the man chose. Please remember that the Roman position of "senator" was not the same as present day ranks. An ancient Roman senator was not elected as ours are, and had no actual legislative power. The job of the Roman senate was an advisory one, not a legislative one. At certain times the senate got around this inconvenience by passing "resolutions" that had the same force as laws.

During the early days of Roman Republic (509-318 B.C.) the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) appointed the senators from among the patricians (aristocrats). From 318 B.C. the senators were enrolled by a public official called censor who held a list of eligible people (men who met a certain property threshold and certain ethical requirements). Former public officials except for the quaestors (the treasures) attained membership of the senate for life automatically. From 81 B.C. this applied to the quaestors as well. During the period of rule by emperors the emperors appointed the senators.

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Were members of the roman senate chosen for life?

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