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Because they didn't think of the Blacks as human, because of their skin color. They treated them more as like an animal.

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Q: Why did the white families teach their kids to hate blacks?
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They believe tat this world should only have white people living on it and the only religion should be christianity. They're a bunch of pathetic morons. All they teach is hate hate hate. They would KILL anyone, like back in the old days, they hung many blacks. They hate other people because of how they look. There is only one race in this world, and tat's the human race. Remember tat pal and don't become one of those scumbags!

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Because vietnamese gangs biggest rivals are blacks and also mexicans

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Why did blacks hate Jews?

they don't. probably a minority do. I know some black jewish people. There are some Blacks who hate Jews, usually as a result of the teachings of Nation of Islam (which is a distinct religion from Sunni or Shiite Islam) or because of the teachings of certain sects of Baptist Christianity. Both of these particular religions teach that Jews are demonic. Other Blacks who hate Jews come from Black Israelite Churches who see Jews as imposters and themselves as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Finally, some Blacks associate Jews with the White Elite in the United States and other countries that have traditionally kept Blacks in a position of inferiority. While there certainly were Jews in support of racist institutions, Jews have supported African-Americans through the Civil Rights Movement and have actively worked together with African-American communities as a fellow minority in America.

Do white people hate Hispanics more than blacks?

You are basing your perception of the mentality of white people on a very limited number. Most white people don't hate any group of people as a whole. White people have learned from their misperceptions of others since the days of destroying Native American societies and slavery. Why don't you try that.

Why do blacks and whites hate Maniac Magee in Maniac Magee?

only some blacks like mars bar and the old man hate maniac because he doesnt belong

Why do you hate some white people they don't fit in with blacks?

Unfortunately there is discrimination against every race and culture. There is no reason why certain people hate other people. There is no way to force people to like each other or get along.