

Why did thousands of people flee after the Vietnam war?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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They fled South Vietnam, not Vietnam; they feared slaughter.

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Q: Why did thousands of people flee after the Vietnam war?
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How many people had to flee because of the Vietnam war?

to many people where being killed

Were did the president flee to during the Vietnam war?

Thieu died in Boston MA.

Why did so many die in the Vietnam war?

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Can you find a Vietnam Veteran?

Hahahaa... my grandparents are Vietnam veterans =D and you can sometimes find them in Australia because of the war, as they all had to flee around the world

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no? yes they were children were strapped with grenades and would walk up to soldiers and kill themselves and the soldiers.

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Thousands of young soldiers died. Most of them where under 18.

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Most people know what the Vietnam War is; what is the American War?

Why do people believe the Vietnam war is becoming the forgotten war?

If people do not learn from history (Vietnam) then they are doomed to repeat it.

What was used to kill people in the Vietnam war?

Napalm bombs were used in the Vietnam War and killed a lot of people.

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Americans were drafted into the Vietnam War in 1965.

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Because people flee their country if there is a civil war or just a plain war