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The same thing happened to me after I add chlorine to my pool. However, it disappears after about an hour. I have read that it has something to do with copper from an algacide and the addition of chlorine.

Longer filter cycles.

You might try adding more chlorine -=- larger doses after filtering for 24 hrs.. You are seeing the results of dead algae at this point. Back wash the filter once the pool looks clear. CLEAR means clear enough so that you can see and read a quarter on the bottom of the pool.


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9y ago

Well your obviously not using chlorine because the purpose of putting chlorine in your pool is to kill algae. well maybe you are using chlorine but not enough, or just a dodgy product. follow the directions on the bottle - it will tell you how much to put in. My pool does the same thing and I have been told that it is because of a mineral. My pool after just filling it will turn green within 20 minutes ofputting chlorine in it. If I putwater in a jar it is clear if I look at the pool it is green there is no alge or anything. Ignore the first answer. There is metal in your water, probably copper. Use a metal-removing product from a pool-supply store to get it out.

  • Mine does the same thing. I have had it tested and there is no copper or iron. Three stores - no answers? Any thoughts.
  • My pool also turns green within 20 mins - solid dark green, darker than the grass, but still clear - after adding chlorine pool tablets. I have well water and have filled it from that each time this has occurred. I am not sure of the cause, but I figure copper, sulfur or iron, or all of them are present.
  • The cure is simple. Once the chlorine is testing correctly, I go to the Walmart and get HTH Stabilizer. Add 2 full caps (the cap is big like 16 oucnes) for a 24 foot round by 52 inch deep pool and let the filter run for 24 hours straight. It will be crystal Clear by then. You will see it start to clear withing the hour. Once clear, backwash your filter for about 3-5 minutes, then run it on rinse a minute, and then return to filter. All the green will be gone and you are set for the season.
  • If it is a clear green then it is copper. go to the grocery store and buy ALUM, found in the spice isle a few bottles of this will safely remove the copper and is safe to swim in.
  • My pool also does the same thing. on well water with very high iron content. It always turn green as soon as i add chlorine. i know that the previous owners had a DE filter. if i put DE in the filter basket and run all night it will be clear ,however it can damage a regular filter.
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9y ago

There are iron or heavy metals that are present and contaminating your pool if it turns green after treating it with chlorine. If this happens, you have to treat it quickly to avoid stains on the pool floor.

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Q: Why does pool water turn green after chlorine is added?
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So that to precipitate the ionic impurities present in water

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the chlorine, it also turns blonde hair green, trust me

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