

Why didn't the olive branch petition work?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It did not come up for vote in Parliament until it was too late, after Lexington and Concord.

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Q: Why didn't the olive branch petition work?
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Many delegates to the Second Continental Congress did not want war with Britain. They only wanted to be treated fairly. Congress made one more try at peace with Britain. In July of 1775, the delegates sent King George 3 the Olive Branch Petition. A petition is a written request from a number of people. The olive branch is a symbol of peace. The petition asked the king to help end the conflict. King George did not even read the letter he just sent more soldiers to the colonies in America.

Did the olive branch petition work?

Yes it was rejected and instead the king of England at that time sent more troops to fight in the revolution and ignored the petiton of peace from the colonists when thids happened war followed soon afetr the Colonies VS. Great Britain

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ProVote America does extensive online recruiting for petition campaigns. Also, is in development.

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Do olive oil really work to lighten nipples?

No it does not.

can olive oil by its self work as well as any anti aging cream?

Olive oil can work by itself, but when digested, there is a little sting in the back of the throat. So your best bet is to use the olive oil in your daily diet and also in recipes. The olive oil has a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient that work to reduce and prevent inflammations under the skin.

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