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Making covenants and promises is nothing new it's all in the scriptures and it's all about perspective as well. Everything in regards to covenants generally revolves around obeying God and His Commandments and that is also in the scriptures as well.

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Q: Why do Mormons makes Covenants in the Temple?
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When will Mormons start living the Law of Consecration?

They should already be doing so if they are attending to the temple covenants they have made.

What successes did the Mormons have at Salt Lake?

When the Mormon Pioneers migrated to Salt Lake City Utah, Brigham Young, the prophet received a revelation from God that he should construct a temple there...the Salt Lake Temple. It is the place Mormons make sacred covenants with the Lord. It truly is a blessing.

What is Mormons place of worship called?

A temple or Mormon temple.

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A temple wedding is a wedding between Mormons and its called by that name because they get married in a temple.

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in Navuoo the Mormons were persecuted just like every else Even though they knew they were leaving Brigham Young had them finish the temple. In 1848 non members burned the temple.

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Do Mormons discriminate against non-Mormons?

No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are taught to treat everyone with love and respect, because they believe that all people are children of God. They hold no animosity toward those of other faiths, and welcome them to participate in worship services. The only time that there may be some discrimination toward non-Mormons is in Temple worship (different than regular Sunday worship). Non-Mormons and Mormons who have not received permission from their local leaders, cannot enter the temple after it has been dedicated. Because Mormons want to share the temple with their friends of other faiths, they open the temple to the public for tours before dedication and after any major renovations.

Do Mormon women have to keep their arms covered?

No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) can wear whatever they want. They are encouraged to dress modestly, as they believe it is pleasing to God. The Church suggests that modesty includes wearing shirts that cover the shoulders, but this is only a suggestion. Adult Mormons who have participated in a Temple ceremony are obligated to wear shirts with at least short sleeve shirts and pants/skirts at least to the knee as a reminder of the covenants they made with God in the ceremony. The only time that Mormons are required to wear long sleeves is inside the temple (please note that a temple is different than a meetinghouse, where weekly worship services are held). Inside the temple, adult Mormons (men and women) are required to wear long sleeves and all white. Check out the "Related Links" to see photos and learn more.

Do the Mormons really wear magic underwear?

No, they do not. Mormons wear Temple Garments not magic underwear. There isn't one bit of magic to Temple Garments. Temple Garments are more like a physical reminder of covenants, or promises that Mormons make to God. They also provide protection. Although that depends on the wearer if they believe that claim is physical or spiritual or perhaps even both.

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Is the cow symbolic to Mormons?

There is twelve oxen in a Mormon temple that symbolic twelve tribes of Israel.

Do Mormons believe they will be gods and Does Brooke White believe she will be one of the God-wives?

I don't know who Brooke White is but Mormons believe they can become gods, IF they do certain ceremonies in the temple and keep the vows they make there. Not all Mormons believe they will become gods, because not all Mormons go to the temple and do the ceremonies they believe are required. They do not believe they will become gods but they do believe they will be able to become more like Jesus and god.