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In most cases stars in constellations only appear close to one another because they are in the same direction in the sky even tho they may be 100's of light years apart.

The classic example is the constellation of Centaurus. Alpha Centauri is only 4.3 light years away where as it's "close neighbour" Beta Centauri is 350ly away.

A way of demonstrating this is to close one eye and hold 1 finger on each hand at arms length and the other half way between your 1st finger and your eye. They appear close to each other but are in fact a distance apart.

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Q: Why do all of the stars in a constellation appear closer together?
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What are the Phoenix constellation color and surface temperature?

Phoenix is a constellation, not a single star. The constellation contains a very large number of stars and other cosmic objects which have no astrophysical relationship with one another. It is simply that they are located in such a direction, and are so far away, that they appear to move together. The different objects vary enormously in their colour and surface temperatures.

Why do stars and the sun appear different?

Stars appear different from the sun because the sun is closer to the earth and the other stars are further away from the earth so that's why the appear differently when you look at them in the sky!!!!!

Why does the sun appear brighter than your stars?

Because it's closer, like the moon

Was the dimmest star in Taurus?

Taurus is a constellation, not a single star. The constellation contains a very large number of stars and other cosmic objects which have no astrophysical relationship with one another. It is simply that they are located in such a direction, and are so far away, that they appear to move together. If all objects in the lines of sight within the outline of the constellation are considered as part of the constellation then there will be stars which are too dim to be seen even with the most powerful telescopes. They have, therefore, not been identified.

A constellation is a group of stars - pronoun?

constellation is a group of stars with a name assigned to it ;

Related questions

What do you call a small group of stars in a constellation?

A small group of stars that appear to be close together are often known a cluster. Technically its an asterism.

Why do distant stars that are actually very far from each other appear to be closed together in the sky?

because its for from stars

How are stars and constellation related?

A group of two or more stars together make up a constellation.

What is the definition of constellations?

">">Simply put, constellations are arbitrary groupings of stars that have been constructed so as to assist in the location and identification of stars. They don't have any real existence as separate coherent objects, apart from the way the groups of stars appear to observers on earth. It looks to us as if the stars of a constellation must be 'grouped' more closely together in space, simply because they appear together in the sky. In reality, a given star in a constellation may be extremely far away from the other stars in its constellation, and that star may in fact be closer to stars in other constellations than it is to stars in its own. Constellations are really a group of stars that form a fixed patter in the night sky or pictures as the first person said.A constellation is a group of stars that appear to have a physical proximity in the sky. The stars in a constellation are often vastly distant from each other, but they appear close to each other from the perspective of Earth. The word is used colloquially to refer to asterisms: groups of stars that appear to form patterns in the sky; different world cultures have divided the stars into different constellations. However, in modern astronomy the word refers instead to a method of dividing the sky into 88 areas with exact boundaries.

Is constellation a group of stars that appear to make a pattern?


Who named the stars by putting them in constellations?

People do not put stars into the constellations, unless you mean extend and include the stars you wish when you create a constellation. As telescopes unveiled more stars they had to be named by a decision of which constellation it was closer to.

How do you identify the constellation of stars?

we can easily identify constellation of stars.Constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some recognisable pattern or shape in the sky.some examples of constellation stars are Ursa majors,ursa minor,orion,cassiopeia.

Is the sun a constellation?

No. A constellation is a group of stars that appear to be in a pattern as seen from Earth. The sun is just one star.

Why do stars and constellation appear to move in the night sky?

Stars and constellations appear to move in the night sky because the Earth is rotating, while the stars and constellations stay there.

How are stars constellation related to each other in space?

Stars in constellation can look as if they are close together, even though they are at very far distances from earth. So the stars in constellation are not, in fact, all close together. constellations are just patterns formed by stars that happen to be in the same direction of the sky.

Are all stars in a constellation near each other?

no stars are not close together in a contellestion

What do you call stars that are bunched together in part of galaxy?

Constellation :)