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because they move their body parts freely

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Q: Why do animal cells have no starch grains?
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What 3 structures are not found in animal cells that are in plant cells?

The starch grains, chloroplast and cell wall (vacuoles are larger in plants cells, but small scattered ones can be found in animal cells)

What are starch grains in plant cells?


Does all cells contain starch?

No , starch is inside of most plant cells and there is alot in roots , but very few animal cells have starch.

What is the purpose of starch in human cell?

Starch isn't found in human cells. Glycogen is found in animal cells.

Is starch found in plant or animal cells?


Do animal cells have a starch grain?

Cellulose is not an animal starch. It comes from the cell walls of plant cells.

Do animals have starch in them?

No,they do not.Starch is never found in animal cells.

What are not in animal cells?

There are some organells.Chloroplast,glyoxisomes,starch granules are some.

Defferentiate plant cell from animal cell?

First of all, the plant cell's vacuole is way bigger than that of the animal cell's. Animal cells are round while plant cells are rectangular. Plant cells have chloroplasts and cell walls while animal cells do not. Animal cells have centrioles while plant cells do not.

Which organelle would you find in plant cells but not in animal cells?

Chloropalsts. They are the ones who do the process of photosynthesis. An animal cell does not have them.

How does a starch grain function in a chloroplast?

starch grains store food for plant cell .the starch grain just re-produces on and on. but like the Amyloplast, amyloplast gives away starch grain in its cell.

What are starch grains?
