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Q: Why do bacteria colonies grow closely on an agar plate?
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What are the Advantages for growing bacteria in a broth and on agar plate?

Agar plates gives you a more visual view of the bacteria growth but is limited in the amount of bacteria that can grow on the plate. With broth, you won't be able to see the bacteria colonies but you will be able to grow much more of the bacteria for sampling.

What does it mean to inoculate an agar plate?

to inoculate an agar plate you would place bacteria on the agar to grow

Why are there areas on the agar jelly where no bacteria are growing?

There are areas on the agar plate where no bacteria grow because that area was missed when the plate was streaked.

How is proper placement of agar plate in the incubator?

An agar plate should be placed upside down in the incubator to keep water drops off the agar and prevent the bacteria from drowning. The bacteria are incubatored at 30-40*c for one to three days. the bacteria feed from the nutrients in the agar and reproduce to form colonies of millions of bacteria. Source: NCEA level one science study guide 1.3 biology AS 90188

How do colonies on the surface of a pour plate differ from those suspended in agar?

How do colonies on the surface of a pour plate differ from those suspended in the agar?

How do you measure bacteria in a petri dish?

When bacteria is grown in an Agar plate, one quantitative method to measure growth is using a counting chamber. Another method is using viable plate counts.

When is a starch agar plate used?

Agar is used to culture bacteria for scientific research.

Why Plate Count Agar is used?

it is used to count the colonies

Advantages of pour plate method over other methods of bacterial colony?

The purpose of the spread-plate technique is to grow and isolate colonies of bacteria. A sample of bacteria is transferred to the agar plate, an environment that provides nourishment for the bacteria to grow. The bacteria sample is applied to the agar plate which a special streaking technique that dilutes the amount of bacteria in each section of the agar plate continuously. This is because if you just swabbed the bacteria onto the plate with no special technique the colonies would grow very densely together and be difficult to study. The streaking technique gradually dilutes the amount of bacteria in each 'quadrant' of the plate, so the last quadrant should have small, isolated colonies that can be easily studied. The spread plate technique is also used for the eneumeration of aerobic microorganisms from the given sample. This can be done by serial diluting the samples, placing 0.1ml of the diluted sample in the middle of an agar plate and spreading the sample over the surface with a help of an L-rod. After the incubation rhe colonies can be counted.

How do the colonies on the surface of the pour plates differ from those suspended in the agar?

How do colonies on the surface of a pour plate differ from those suspended in the agar?

What is standard methods agar plates used for?

Agar plate method is used to culture bacteria in lab .

How do you recognize bacteria on agar plate and not confusing bacteria with eukaryotes like yeast or fungi?

Use selective media agar plates. Different types of agar will let bacteria grow and inhibit fungal growth, or vice versa.