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An agar plate should be placed upside down in the incubator to keep water drops off the agar and prevent the bacteria from drowning. The bacteria are incubatored at 30-40*c for one to three days.

the bacteria feed from the nutrients in the agar and reproduce to form colonies of millions of bacteria.

Source: NCEA level one science study guide

1.3 Biology

AS 90188

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Q: How is proper placement of agar plate in the incubator?
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On the base of the agar plate.

Where should a label written on an agar plate?

On the base of the agar plate.

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Why the inoculated agar medium plate must be inverted position in incubator?

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It is called a streak plate, inoculating the agar plate with a zig-zag motion.

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There are areas on the agar plate where no bacteria grow because that area was missed when the plate was streaked.

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To determine that an agar plate is sterlize you can keep it overnight in incubator without streaking and if there is any growth peresent in it then it is contaminated and if not then it is obveiously sterlize

When is a starch agar plate used?

Agar is used to culture bacteria for scientific research.