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This is primarily a cultural phenomenon. Men are conditioned through western culture in general to perceive breasts as objects of sexual desire. Couple that with the fact that revealing breasts in public (and in general) is considered taboo, and all of a sudden you've created a "forbidden fruit" affect (people in general desire what they can't have). There is also a psychological factor; men desire to recreate the feeling of safety and nurturing they felt while being breast-fed as babies.

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Q: Why do boys love breasts?
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What size breasts do teenage boys love?

The size of breasts teenage boys love is any as long as you have some

Why do boys love girls boobies?

Boys love feeling breasts, because they want to feel a girl's body, and the breasts are something that males don't have. They want what they don't have.

Do boys mind small breasts?

They dont they love every kind of boob

Do boys like breasts?

Sometimes some boys are in live with breasts others find them disgusting.

Why do you get breasts?

Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts.

Can boys get breasts?

On babs only

How can you grow big breasts?

We can grow big breasts by doing sex with other boys because they suck our breasts.

Does a guy like big breasts?

That is generally true that you may get the attention of most of the boys, if you have bigger breasts. But then, you are getting the attention of the boys as a sex objects. You are not a sex object. You should get the attention of the boys as a person. Big breasts are not necessary for the same.

Why boys look at breasts wantedly?

While the true answer to this question is as individual as each person, I think most boys look at a girl's breasts because they are curious, and because they find breasts attractive.

Why are there bras?

a bra is to help cover your breasts and to keep boys away from touching your breasts.

Do boys like flat girl breasts or fat breasts?

big juicy ones

Do all boys like breasts?

Here's a question for you.. Are all boys straight?