

Why do cats twitch?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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They're sensitive.

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Q: Why do cats twitch?
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Why do cats twitch tail?

It's possible but mostly they just move it...

Is it okay for a kitten to twitch?

cats twich all the time. dont worry.

Do stingrays twitch their tail when they are scared?

yes they do it is their equivalent of a cats hair standing up when they are nervous

What does cats dream about?

We will probably never know. But from watching the cats twitch their paws and tails while they are dreaming, they are probably dreaming about chasing their prey animal, such as a mouse or a bird, and eating it.

What is your cat saying if it wags its tail?

Cats don't really "wag their tails". If your cat is lashing its tail from side to side, it's probably upset about something. A cat may twitch the tip of its tail, which is somewhat different; it doesn't seem to really mean anything other than "I can twitch the tip of my tail, so I think I'll do that." That's not entirely true; cats usually twitch the tip of their tails when they are hunting.

Do cats twitch when they are dying?

When any living being dies it twitches. This is caused by the nerves communicating with the muscles for the final time.

Why do cats twitch when there dying?

This is a difficult question to answer, as no-one really knows. One theory is that the cat finds a quiet, private place to live out its last days in peace, where it can feel safe and comfortable.

What is the predicate in the sentence The whiskers on your kitten twitch wen you rub its back?

"The whiskers on your kitten" is the subject of the sentence, and "twitch" is the predication.

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Fast twitch fibers

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Slow twitch

Why causes your right shoulder twitch?

The twitch in your shoulder is just a twitch it does not hurt you at all:>

Why do you get a twitch?

You can get a twitch from stimulation or damage to the muscles.