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They don't always divide, in multicellular organisms they typically just stop growing, in slime molds the cells can get more than a foot in diameter without dividing (they have tens of thousands of nuclei per cell).

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the surface area available for importing nutrients and exporting wastes is no longer sufficient.

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Q: Why do cells need to divide before they get too large?
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What do cells need before division?

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Why do cells need to copy their chromosomes before they divide into two daughter cells?

They copy their chromosomes so that when they do divide into two different cells each one will have its own set of chromosomes and it couldn't be copied and transferred after divison occured

What is the reason your body cells need to divide?

Cells divide as the zygote becomes a fetus with growth and development into babies when born, cells also divide with growth after birth into adulthood and to replenish and renew damaged or lost cells.

Why do cell need to divide and produce new cells?

In order to replace the cells that are dieing

What cell divides infrequently?

Liver cells divide about once a year, and neurons (nerve cells) never divide once we are born (and when they are mature).

Why is osmosis's important cells?

Cells need to get rid of large particles they don't need

Why is osmosis important to cells?

Cells need to get rid of large particles they don't need

Why are cells from a blastula ideal to examine mitosis?

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Why di cells need to divide?

cell division is how organisms grow.

Why do cells need to divide apex?

cell division is how organisms grow

Why do the body cells and sex cells divide differently?

Because body cells need to make genetically identical daughter cells and sex cells need to make genetically unique cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell.

Why do the sex cells and the body cells divide differently?

Because body cells need to make genetically identical daughter cells and sex cells need to make genetically unique cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell.