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Q: Why do consumers have influence government?
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How does information provided by the government influence consumer decision?

Consumers do not buy products revealed to be dangerous.

Why can consumers have influence over consumers?

Politicians rely on the votes of consumers to keep them in office.

What best explains why the free-market system follows a circular flow model?

consumers and producers influence each other in a circular fashion

Why do consumers have influence over politicians?

Politicians rely on the votes of consumers to keep them in office.

Name two factors that influence a consumers needs and wants?

Two factors that could influence a consumers needs and wants could be their peers or advertising.

Because the choices of consumers influence producers and the choices of producers also influence consumers the free-market system has which of the following?

A circular flow of influences

What is something consumers do to influence producers?

Is by demanding the product

What can Americans do to influence the economic goals of the nation?

While consumers and producers make most decisions that mold the economy, government has a powerful effect on the US economy in a last four areas, as the government uses a capital system.

What explains how consumers purchases influence the decisions of producers?

Producers can figure out what consumers are willing to pay based on what they buy.

What best explains how consumers purchase influence the decisions of producers?

Producers can figure out what consumers are willing to pay based on what they buy.

How does personality influence consumer behavior?

Personality can influence consumer behavior by affecting preferences, attitudes, and decision-making processes. Individuals with certain personality traits may be more inclined to make impulsive purchases, engage in risk-taking behaviors, or seek out products that align with their self-image. Marketers often tailor advertising and product offerings to appeal to specific personality traits in order to better connect with consumers.

Who are the users of credit?

Consumers,Businessmen, and the government.............