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A diode only allows current flow in one direction, so if installed backwards it will not work as intended.

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Q: Why do diodes have to be placed in a circuit the right way around?
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What is rectifer?

Another name for a rectifier is a diode. Diodes are used to change AC into DC. They block current when placed in an electrical circuit on one half of an AC sine wave. As a sine wave leaves zero volts and begins climbing to a positive voltage along with the current, the diode allows the electrons to pass. It conducts until the sine wave reaches zero again. At the start of the negative half of the sine wave the diode blocks the passage of electrons right through to the end of this half cycle. This voltage is known as pulsating DC or half wave rectification. One conductive pulse every cycle. Full wave rectification is when 4 diodes are assembled back to back so that 2 of the diodes are conducting on the positive half cycle and the other 2 diodes are conducting on the negative half cycle. This diode set up is known as a full wave bridge. The output voltage is smoother in this configuration but still has a voltage ripple. This ripple is usually smoothed out with capacitors. This is usually the components of DC power supplies.

What is the part of a circuit the closes or opens the circuit?

Generally a circuit breaker (like a light switch) But I guess you could use a resistor of the right resistance If you are talking about the circuit breaker there is an electromagnetic coil in it which get magnetized on a specific amount of current and breaks the circuit

Will the circuit with two batteries a bulb and a motor work?

If you will connect it right, it will work.

What happens when a switch in a series circuit is opened?

it prevents electricity to flow. i hope that is right

Can two diodes connected back-to-back produce a transistor?

No, two diodes cannot function as a transistor.The emitter and collector of a transistor have different and very specific doping profiles to optimize them for their functions, diodes don't.The base is a very very thin layer that both allows current carriers injected by the emitter to pass thru the base and be collected by the collector, and allows the transistor to operate at high frequencies (early junction transistors, a type called grown junction, had thick bases and could not function above audio frequencies), the diodes are physically separated with a long metal wire connecting them.

Related questions

Describe the effects of reversing all the diodes directions?

If diodes are not istalled in the right direction and an electrrical current applied the diodes may burn out

Which blood circuit is associated with the right side of the heart?

The right side is the pulmonary circuit. (The left side is the systemic circuit.)

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Look at where the battery is placed and you'll see one square with a piece that has three ends right to the left of the battery. This is the start of the circuit and this piece has to be placed so one end is connected to the battery and the other ends are point up and down. From there, the rest of the circuit should be pretty easy to figure out. Good luck! :)

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Formulas for reactants are usually placed on the left and products are usually placed on the right.

Why are drinking glasses placed at right side of the table at restaurant?

The majority of diners are right-handed. So the glass placed on the right is the most probable position.

What is rectifer?

Another name for a rectifier is a diode. Diodes are used to change AC into DC. They block current when placed in an electrical circuit on one half of an AC sine wave. As a sine wave leaves zero volts and begins climbing to a positive voltage along with the current, the diode allows the electrons to pass. It conducts until the sine wave reaches zero again. At the start of the negative half of the sine wave the diode blocks the passage of electrons right through to the end of this half cycle. This voltage is known as pulsating DC or half wave rectification. One conductive pulse every cycle. Full wave rectification is when 4 diodes are assembled back to back so that 2 of the diodes are conducting on the positive half cycle and the other 2 diodes are conducting on the negative half cycle. This diode set up is known as a full wave bridge. The output voltage is smoother in this configuration but still has a voltage ripple. This ripple is usually smoothed out with capacitors. This is usually the components of DC power supplies.

In Aircraft Why did the captain placed in right hand side .?

The captain is NOT "placed in right hand side". In all aircraft the captain is on the left side.

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If placed on the table the napkin always goes to the right of the plate, but also can be folded and placed inside an empty wine glass.

What is the part of a circuit the closes or opens the circuit?

Generally a circuit breaker (like a light switch) But I guess you could use a resistor of the right resistance If you are talking about the circuit breaker there is an electromagnetic coil in it which get magnetized on a specific amount of current and breaks the circuit

Which elements in the periodic table are by the place?

Metals are placed at the left. Non-metals are placed at right in periodic table.

Can short circuit occur when power is not used?

No because a circuit without power applied can only be shown to be a short circuit after the power is applied between the 'right' two points.

What is the circuit called from the time a drop of blood is dropped in the right atrium to the time its dropped in the left atrium?

This circuit is called the pulmonary circulation system. It involves the flow of blood from the right atrium to the lungs for oxygenation and then back to the left atrium.