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Becasuse you bum dead people

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Q: Why do dogs perform digging motion on humans?
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Can dogs get Psoriasis from humans?

While dogs can get psoriasis, they do not get it from humans.

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There are more humans than dogs.

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Why do dogs behave like their owners?

Dogs act like their owners for many reasons. It is called the "Mirror Method" for training, where you show them what to do. For example, some dogs dig because they see their owners digging in the garden, so this makes them figure that digging is okay and the correct behavior. It makes total since considering we humans do things. If we do something, shouldn't it mean dogs should be able to, too? In the dog's mind, if his or her owner does something, it means that it is the correct behavior and that it can/should be copied for approval and/or praise.

Do dogs think like humans?

No. Dogs are different from humans. For example, dogs cannot process many colours, unlike humans. Dogs have the pack instinct (resulting in their loyalty), while humans do not. Dogs only mate in breeding season, while humans mate anytime.

Why do dogs bite humans?

Dogs bite humans because they smell fear.

Why are dogs hairey?

Dogs are hairy for the same reason humans are. Why are humans hairy?

Is a police dog a service animal?

Yes. Dogs that 'work' or are trained to help humans are called service animals.

How did the dogs managed to sleep outdoors in the call of the wild?

The dogs lasted by digging holes in the ground to keep warm. Your welcome ;)

Are dogs smart?

Compared to certain creatures, yes they are one of the smartest animals.

Does the medicine same for liver the same in humans and dogs?

Liver medicines do not work the same on humans as they do dogs. A dogs body works different than a humans.

How many humans have phobias of dogs?

Over 75% of humans in the world are scared of dogs.