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Q: Why do egg shells dissolve in hydrochloric acid?
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What is in acetic which makes it dissolve egg shells?

the acid part

What chemical makes orange juice dissolve egg shells?

Citric acid

What other liqud besides vinegar will dissolve an egg shell?

Any strong acid, such as sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric etc., will dissolve egg shell.

Will the egg shell digest when eaten?

Yes Egg shell is made from calcium and the hydrochloric acid that the stomach produces wil rapidly dissolve it.

Does bleach dissolve egg shells?

yes it does because the acid in bleach is stronger than the chemical in the bleach so, that's how bleach dissolves an egg shell.

Why can't oxygen make egg shells turn to rubber?

Oxygen has no softening effect on the calcium compounds found in egg shells. However, acetic acid (vinegar) will cause egg shells to dissolve completely by forming calcium acetate from the calcium carbonate. This will leave the rubbery inner membrane of the egg.

What will happen when an egg is placed in acetic acid?

the egg shell will dissolve

What does Hydrochloric acid do to egg albumin?

egg albumin contains protein. when hydrochloric acid is added to egg albumin, it denatures the protein. in the lab - the observations were as follows: the solution which was initially gel- like, turned watery and transparent

Why don't egg's dissolve in water?

an egg's shell doesn't dissolve in water because the shell is to hard to dissolve in non-acid liquids.

What would make an egg shell dissolve?

Acid does because it does.

What in the vinegar makes the egg shell dissolve?

acetic acid

What happens to egg white pepsin and hydrochloric acid after 6 hours?

The protein in the egg white gets digested.