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they shouldnt, thats a problem, talk to your vet.. thats not normal..

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Q: Why do female dogs have a monthly discharge after being spayed?
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Related questions

Why does my female pit bull still have discharge after being spayed?

The incision may be infected. See your vet.

Do female cats still mark their territory after being spayed?

no, they dont

Is it common for a female dog to be thrashing and breathing heavy after being spayed?

No! Call the vet!

How do you prevent a female dog from being pregnant?

Get it spayed. Spaying a dog means removing its eggs.

Can a female cat die from going into estrus after being spayed?

Estrus is the time in a female cats reproductive cycle which the female cat is receptive to the male cat. According to the question posted the cat had been spayed. If the cat has really been spayed it cannot come into estrus. If it has not actually been spayed and you just think it has, then it could come into estrus, but this is not dangerous (except she may get pregnant). Either way she will not die, or at least not of that!

How long is it to get a female dog fixed?

The female should be spayed (fixed) at about 6 months. Some believe that she should have a litter before being spayed, but the only thing that does is add more unwanted dogs to the dog pound.

Are female dogs less likely to have health problems if they have at least one litter of puppies before being spayed?

Female dogs are not less likely to have health problems if they have at least one litter of puppies before being spayed. That is a common myth, but it is untrue. Spaying actually helps to prevent some health issues.

What is the difference between being spayed and neutered?

Females are spayed Males are neutered

If a dog is fixed will she still have a period?

She will no longer have a period because when she gets spayed all the vet is doing is taking out her reproductive organs

Does a dog have symptoms of being in heat even after being spayed?


Does a dog come in heat after being spayed?


Why is your dog twitching after getting spayed?

It's just like cat's, you're dog is twitching because it has'nt got used to being spayed because it's trying not to give birth to the baby's.So the female dog try's to force the baby's up and eat them.