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Sometimes they don't.

But when they do it's b/c water works, it's available, it's cheap, and it's not polluting.

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Q: Why do fire departments always use water to put out fires?
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Related questions

What are all fire departments responsible for?

they are responsible for puttting out fires

Why was the fire departments build?

Fire departments are built to provide emergency response and suppression of fires in the community. They help protect life and property by extinguishing fires, conducting rescue operations, and providing emergency medical services. Fire departments also play a role in fire prevention and education to promote safety and reduce the risks of fires.

Is it always water that you use to put a fire out?

No - you wouldn't want to put out an oil fire out with water, it would spread. There are also checmicals that are used to deprive the fire of air. Powders (Like your household extinguisher) fires can also be smothered with blankets etc. Explosives are used to put out very large fires like oil well fires.

Where can you buy water to fill up your pool?

Sometimes the local fire department will fill pools. Most fire departments have those big tanker trucks filled with water, A donation always helps.

Does water make fire go out?

Water will work against most fires but not against grease, electrical, or metal fires.

How do put out electrical fires?

there is a specle fire extinguisher that is for elecrical fires ... DONT USE WATER

Can water be set on fire?

Of course, but water is not recommended for all types of fires.

What do water fire extinguishers do?

They are idea for dealing with wood and paper fires. Never use water on live electrical or petrol fires

What is the water fire extinguisher for?

It puts out wood and paper fires.

What type of fire should not be extinguished with water?

Grease Fires!

What sorts of fires should not be put out using water?

We must know that electrical fires and fires fueled by burning liquids should not be fought with water. Some burning metals should not be fought with water, too.

How did people fight fires in the 1860's?

In the 1860s, people fought fires mostly by forming bucket brigades where individuals passed buckets of water to one another to extinguish the flames. Some cities had volunteer fire departments with hand-pumped fire engines that sprayed water. Buildings were often made of wood, so firefighting was challenging and fires could easily spread.