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Fortification and enrichment are terms used to describe the addition of nutrients to foods but are two separate concepts. Enrichment refers to the restoration of nutrients lost during the handling, processing, or storage of foods, and levels are generally based on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards of identity. Fortification refers to the voluntary addition of nutrients at levels beyond those naturally occurring in the food.

Globally, the decision to fortify products is left up to individual food manufacturers. Voluntary fortification is a common practice in many countries. Additionally, 50 countries including the United States, Canada, and Australia require mandatory fortification of certain staple foods with specific nutrient(s) to improve public health, such as the fortification of enriched flour with folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects, and restrict the fortification of foods with certain nutrients such as vitamin D.

The indiscriminate addition of nutrients to foods and the fortification of fresh produce; meat, poultry, or fish products; is not allowed by the U.S. government and fortification of unprocessed foods is prohibited in European countries. This is meant to help consumers understand the nutritional value of foods from each food group. Also fortification of some types of foods such as sugars and some snack foods (e.g., candies and Carbonated Beverages) is discouraged, so that consumers are not encouraged to choose fortified foods that are inconsistent with achieving dietary guidelines.

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Many sites that sell food processors also allow consumers to rate the products. Amazon and Walmart, for example, both offer this option so one can compare the best and worst reviewed processors. In addition, Consumer Reports offers a comparison of various kitchen appliances including food processors.

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Yes, food processors do have electromagnets.

What food processors are available from Cuisinart?

There are a number of food processors available from Cuisinart. They have 4, 7, 11, 12, 14 and 20 cup food processors as well spice and nut grinder processors.

Are food processors dangerous to humans?

Food processors can be dangerous to humans if they do not use the appliance properly. Food processors can be dangerous, because it is a machine and there are blades that go with it. Food processors are a small appliance that help chop and slice food in order to prepare a dish. Food processors are not dangerous to your health if you keep it clean and store it properly.

Are there any websites that offer good deals on cusinart food processors?

Presently there are some discounts offered on many models of cusinart food processors at the online shopping websites and Please visit the following links to find cusinart food processors at discounted prices -; You can also check up with cusinart's official website for any deals or discounts on their products they may announce from time to time-

What is food scientists?

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What are the typical capacities of food processors?

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What is the best brand of professional food processors?

One of the best brands of professional food processors is the Cuisinart, which can cost over $100 depending on the type of food processor. Another one of the best food processors are the Viking Food Processors known for being specifically created for commerical use.

What electronic products does Bamix manufacture?

Bamix is a Swiss company that manufactures various types of electronic products including blenders and food processors. They also manufacture accessories like blades and stands.

What does vacuoles do in an animal cell?

it what release food, water, and waste products.