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Q: Why do hand-built cars cost more than mass-produced cars?
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Do new cars cost more in California?

It is possible that some new cars may cost more in California compared to some states. However, not all new cars cost more in California. Hawaii is another state that has higher cost on new cars.

Are hybrid cars cheaper than regular cars?

no they cost more

How are hybrid cars and regular cars different?

Hybrids are more efficient and more friendly to the environment. Hybrids cost more.

Do diesel cars generally cost more than gasoline engine cars?

Diesel cars do tend to cost more in general than gasoline engine cars. The claim on this is that it is more expensive to create and manufacture these vehicles, and due the fact that diesel vehicles are more fuel efficient.

Can a car cost 250000?

Yes there are several cars that cost this much or more.

Do hybrid cars cost more to maintain than a conventional car?

Hybrid cars cost more to maintain than a conventional car. You can get more information about this at Hybrid cars are a bit more to maintain than a conventional gas powered. The cost will come down as the technology becomes more widespread.

How much did old cars cost?

like not that much they cost about like 3 thousand old cars they are cheap the new ones cost little more:)

Does petrol or diesel cost more?

diesel is usually more expensive but diesel cars usually have more mpg than petrol cars

Do trucks cost more than cars?

Oh ya!

Are hybrid cars more expensive to repair in the future?

In the future, hybrid cars will cost roughly the same to repair, as there will be many more on the road.

Does it cost much more to insure 2 cars?

yes of course.

What is the cost to build a 2 cars garage?

more than a thousand