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For many reasons, ranging from fleeing persecution, to purely religious motives.

Israel is important to Jews because God promised it to Jacob (Genesis ch.28), the father of the Israelites, and his descendants. Jacob was renamed Israel by God (Genesis ch.35); and the Israelites lived in Israel during the era of the Patriarchs (220 years), during the era from Joshua until the First Destruction (850 years), during the Second Temple era (420 years) and afterwards. They remained a majority in the land for another 300 years after the Second Destruction; and a minority of Jews remained there throughout the ensuing centuries.
Israel had been the site of the First Temple, built by King Solomon; the dynasty of King David; the Second Temple, built by Ezra; and the Hasmonean Dynasty. It was where the Hebrew Prophets lived, and where the Mishna (Oral Torah) was codified. Also, many of the Torah's commands apply only in Israel.

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  1. God promised the land to the Israelites many times.
  2. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israelfor over 3300 years. Of that time, the Jews were a majority in the land for around 1900 years.
  3. The Muslims' Qur'an clearly states that Israel belongs to the Jews.
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14y ago

Assuming you're talking after 1948 when the State of Israel declared its indepdence, there are still different reasons:

1. They were expelled from their countries of origin (Yemen for a recent example).

2. They were oppressed in their home countries and when finally given the chance to get out from under the oppression, decided to move (former Soviet Union as a major example). However, my understanding is that a fair number of those who found their way to Israel then decided to further emigrate to the US in particular.

3. They move because although not necessarily "oppressed" feel more comfortable in a place that celebrates their religion, ethics and holidays as "mainstream" rather than as a minority.

4. They want to make "aliyah" (means literally "going up") which is a "calling" that you could consider religious.

5. Some younger people migrated to go to school and decided to stay. Some students training to become rabbis must attend school in Israel for part of their education, to become immersed in the language, history and culture.

6. Some younger people migrated to fight in one or more of the wars.

7. Israel allows "Dual Citizenship" -- in other words you can be a US citizen and an Israeli citizen without violating citizenship laws of either country, and this allows for a second home, work privileges, etc.

8. I'm sure there are more reasons, such as having family relations and other reasons not dissimilar to anyone else who wants to move someplace, including things like Israel having one of the largest if not largest industrial diamond industries, so there are employment opportunities.

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In an attempt to escape persecution.

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