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Because if they are ove 12 they are spanking the monkey too much!!

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Q: Why do kids fingers cramp up?
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Related questions

What are the symptoms for use the computer to long?

your fingers cramp like you have cramp

What causes your fingers to cramp up and go into muscle spasim?

Possibly overuse. If this happens repeatedly, visit your doctor.

What may be causing my pinkie fingers and ring fingers to cramp up stiffen up and draw themselves inwards towards my palms as well as sometimes shooting pain up my wrists into my forearms?

carpel tunnel sindrome.

Could De Quervains syndrome cause a cramp in your fingers on the same hand?

It is possible to have a cramp in your fingers on the same hand that you have Dequervains without it being associated. De Quervain's is normally restricted to issues in the tendon that movers your thumb away from the fingers.

What would cause your left arm to cramp as well as the fingers of the left hand?

waht can cause my left arm to cramp and numbness in my left fingertips

Did Barney stick up his middle finger?

yes!He was showing the kids his fingers and was like this is my thumb this is my pointer and this is my middle finger and he stuck up the middle finger at the kids!

What happens to the muscle when experiencing a cramp?

When a muscle cramp occurs, the muscle contracts forcibly and involuntarily and doesn't relax for the time the cramp lasts. The cramp can last from few seconds up to few minutes.

What did Monroe do?

Monroe was a BAD MAN!! he broke little kids fingers and blew up granny spakers house up

How do you get rid of a hand cramp?

the only way i know is to stretch your fingers back, it's the only propper way to stretch out your hand. :)

What is the lump on your leg or muscle during cramp?

When you experience a leg or muscle cramp, it is because the muscle has constricted or tightened up. The lump you are referring to is the muscle itself that has tightened up. When your muscle relaxes, the cramp goes away.

How do you loosen up a muscle after a cramp?

I recommend massage.

How many fingers are on three kids?