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King Cobra's "claim to fame" is the fact that they are the only snake to construct a nest for the sole purpose of laying their eggs. A King Cobra Nest is constructed by the female typically from rotten leaves and vegetation. The female King Cobra will loop her coils over loose debris and drag the material to create her nest. In most cases, a Cobra nest is nothing more then a simple pile of leaves mounded above the ground where she will lay between 40 and 60 eggs. In some cases however, maybe due to experience, the female actually constructs a lower "Egg Chamber", with an upper area for her to lay and incubate. King Cobra eggs incubate after 65 to 80 days.

mounds of dead leaves

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13y ago
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13y ago

he has a place with lots of ground and grass and he calmly lays it's eggs out and makes an nest like he circles his whole body around the eggs that is how he makes his eggs nest!

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13y ago

to protect eggs

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Q: Why do king cobras make nests for their young?
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What is something that the king cobras makes for it's young that other snakes don't?

king cobras make nests for there young and most other dnakes dont or cant.

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What kinds of snakes build their nests?

Yes. They make a nest and live in a tree. Who doesn't know that?

Do King Cobras lay eggs?

Yes, and they make nests for their eggs.Most, but not all, reptiles lay eggs.

what are some adaptation for a king cobra?

King cobras adapt to their environment in many ways. These cobras can move quickly through the trees, land, and water. They have patterned hoods that can confuse enemies. King cobras have poisonous venom and sharp fangs that can take down their prey. They also can use most tree matter like leaves to make their nests on the ground.

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i dont now

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thay ushauly pole out there fer to make a nest for there babys right befor thay have them but if you go to a pet store you can get this soft stuf kinda like the stuf in billows and you can put that in a woulden or platick basket a small one but dont use mettle because thay like to chew on stuf and the metle ruwens there teeth

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