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The temperature is higher, meaning that the decomposers can decay at faster rates. Their enzymes can work at a faster rate to decompose the detritus. To low a temp. and the rate of enzymes will slow down too much but too hot and the decomposers will be killed.

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Q: Why do leaves decay quicker in summer?
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Why do dead organisms decay quicker in the summer?

extra heat during the summer causes faster decaying

Why The leaves decay more quickly in summer than in winter?

Because of the warmer tempatures decay is mostly a chemical reaction and all chemical reactions are accellerated by warmer temps

What can speed up and slow down decay?

temperature; warmth speeds it up, cold slows it down. moisture; if it is moist it will decay quicker oxygen; if there is a good oxygen flow it should decay quicker. these all speed up decay because the bacteria and fungi that cause decay need these conditions to thrive and multiply

Do fallen leaves decay very slowly in the rainforest?

Fallen leaves would decay very rapidly in the rainforest because of its favourable temperature and abundance of microorganisms. In contrast, fallen leaves would decay very slowly in regions that are cold and sparsely populated by even bacteria such as the tundra.

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What is the fruit that decay quickly?

Most fruit decay pretty fast naturally. This process is slowed by keeping them refrigerator. But strawberries grow mold faster that most fruits and peaches ripen quicker than any other fruit so they also spoil quicker.

Do leaves rot?

Leaves rot due to decomposition. It is the natural process of a life cycle and the decay of the leaves is carried out by bacteria and fungi.

What are names of trees that keep their leaves in the summer?

Trees that keep their leaves in summer and lose them in autumn are deciduous.

How do you get woad leaves quickly?

Talk to Wyson Gardener. There is no quicker way.

Is leaves decay physical change or chemical change?

chemical change

Why does alpha and beta decay more commonly occur in radioisotopes?

Because the less protons are in an atom the quicker it decays.

Do oak leaves rot?

Everything organic decays. Oak leaves just decay a little slower than other leaves due to their chemistry.