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Q: Why do men keep locks on their cell phones from their woman?
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Do all moms have cell phones?

not all moms have cell phones but most moms have cell phones to keep in touch with other

Can cell phones cause a miscarriage?

Definetly not. Cell phones don't have nothing to do with pregnancy. Your o.k.

Does Verizon have the best prices on cell phones?

Yes they do and they also have the best cell phones out there. They also have a two year contract and when your contract is almost up they will offer you a bunch of free phones to keep you as a paying customer. It is a great deal because you still get to keep the phones.

Could you bring your cell phones to Job Corp to keep in touch with your family and friends?

Could u bring your cell phones to Job Corps with u to keep in touch with your family and friends?

How is a cell phone used in business?

Cell phones are used to see e-mails and to keep in track

How can cell phones keep friends in contact?

People can text each other.

Reasons to Sell Old Cell Phones for Cash?

If there are old cell phones lying around the house with no hopes of ever being used again, it might be time to trade the cell phones for cash. Many cell phone companies now offer a rebate for old cell phones. People who buy new cell phones on a regular basis keep their old cell phones just in case. That sometimes becomes more of a burden than a blessing. Old cell phones are purchased and then given to people who do not have enough money to afford a cell phone. That means the original purchaser can help others while selling their old cell phones for cash.

How can cell phones help us?

they help us keep in touch with each other

What do people do the most with their cell phones?

talk loudly, keep it silent

How people can use cell phones to keep themselves safe?

They can all call jesus on 08600JESUS

Do cell phones make you smart?

No,they actually emit harmful radiation if you keep it on you at all times.

Does Kajeet have kids cell phones?

Kajeet does have kids cell phones that come with many features such as GPS, feature manager, time limiting controls, and other features. This allows parents to help keep track of their child's cell phone use.